The kidneys are the source of life in Chinese Medicine and their role is extremely important in our physical, emotional, mental & energetic bodies.
The Kidneys in TCM are arguably the most important organs in the body. They hold the Jing Essence which is a mixture of Yin Qi from heaven and earth. This essence can be interpreted as the DNA coding on the genes received from the mother and father.
Common health imbalances & issues in the kidneys include; Kidney yin deficiency, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, lower backaches, aching in the bones, reproductive health, infertility, hair loss, and autoimmune conditions.
Eating nourishing foods and building our blood and our Jing essence in the kidneys is a vital way to ensure you are creating opportunitites for the body to continue the cycle of life and new energy for you.
If you are a TCM doctor or acupuncturist then please send this page to your patients, we would love to be able to support in between their visits to you!
Enjoy the nurturing, warming & delicious recipes in this ebook.
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