Work with me


Hello, I am Kimberly and I am here to support tuning back into your innate state of balance and harmony. If anything on this page resonates with you please book in for a session. Let's immerse you in energy medicine, food therapy & food energetics and reconnect with the elemental world inside and around you. 

The physical body, organs, systems and functions are designed to flow, thrive and enable you to live a healthy & long life. We get in the way through our lifestyle choices, habitual patterns, environmental factors, stressors, blockage & storage of emotions. By building awareness of how the body works through the lens of the Elements and Energy /electricity/Qi you can take action to RECONNECT, REBALANCE & increase flow of your Life Energies...



Private sessions offered:

  • Spinal Energetics
  • Intuitive Energy/Shamanic healing 
  • Womb Hara abdominal massage 
  • 5 Element Nutrition & Food Energetics
Read testimonials (click here)

Energy medicine sessions:

SPINAL ENERGETICS® sessions- Spinal Energetics is a beautiful modality that works with the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual & soul layers of your body & energetic field. In each session we unwind tension in the spine and nervous system via access points, to release and encourage the expression of energy and bring more coherence to the mind-body. We work with the energetic system of your body and the innate intelligence so it can unwind on its own. We activate, unlock, release, clear and integrate during each session, creating a safe space to somatically move emotions & energy through so that you have more space and freedom in your body & energy field. 


INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING sessions-  These sessions include a weaving together of Hands for Healing energy balancing to clear blocked channels, reduce stress & tension, increase your energy flow, strengthen the immune system & bring deep relaxation through the meridians, organs, nervous system, chakras & secondary chakras. Sessions can also include vagal toning & harmonizing the etheric web. I often bring in intuitive or Shamanic healing- energy clearing interweaving channeled insights to bring clarity to a particular issue or balance to your physical, emotion, energetic body & on a soul level. We look at the root cause or time the issue began, tap into your subconscious & energetic body. These sessions may include accessing your Akashic records, ancestral patterns, past lives, soul lessons & soul retrieval for reconciliation and resolution.
These sessions are definitely not for the faint hearted, and for the believers & those ready for other realms, dimensions, to do the work and take the next step on their healing journey.
Please come with an intention for the session and allow 90-120 minutes in your schedule.


* please kindly note I am unable to see or treat clients who are pregnant, on strong medications/pharmaceutical drugs, post-surgery, with cardiac conditions or with serious medical or mental health conditions. Please email to discuss before booking in any sessions if you are unsure. Thank you for your attention & understanding.


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Womb Hara abdominal massage:


Integrative Womb Hara Massage weaves together abdominal massage, fertility massage, womb awakening and emotional anatomy. Based on Chi Nei Tsang or “abdominal/internal organs chi massage," a form of energy medicine from China that has been used for centuries to heal a variety of ailments by massaging the abdomen. 

Sessions combine gentle abdominal massage with energy healing to nurture menstrual health and fertility, support digestion and detoxification, and unravel tension from the physical, emotional, energetic & spiritual layers of the body. You conclude the beautiful massage in a cocoon of deep rest.

Duration: 90 minutes or 75 minutes follow up session.
Format: In-person & women only.


* Please note Womb Hara Massage is not suitable during pregnancy or menstrual bleeding, or 2 days prior to your next bleed, if you have an IUD or coil, or if you have recently had surgery.

** If you are undergoing IVF or are actively trying to conceive naturally each cycle the safest time for you to receive the massage is pre-ovulation, the period of time (roughly 2 week period) after your menstrual bleed stops before ovulation. If you have ovulated and are trying to conceive you cannot receive the massage post ovulation in case you may be pregnant. 


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5 Elements Nutrition & Wellness coaching:

These sessions combine the 5 Elements, Chinese medicine food therapy, Food Energetics, and Western nutrition to dig deeper into your individual food questions and health imbalances.
Book in if you have a particular health condition, or digestion problem, a concern about your food habits & optimal nutrition.

Session price includes food charts, reading material, nutrition recommendations and/or recipes in follow up emails. My style of coaching & support includes diving into underlying EMOTIONAL & ENERGETIC root causes, corresponding Metaphysical Anatomy & utilizing Energy Medicine practices. 

(Packages available if you would like to commit to more sessions, accountability & support weekly. See below)

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 Group sessions offered:

If you would like to book in a workshop at your studio/venue, collaborate or for me to teach in your Yoga/Qigong training, or brainstorm an amazing co-creation please contact:

Confirm your session:

I am currently not seeing new clients until Aug/Sept 2024, please email to connect and be notified when appointments re-open.

(Please note prices are in Australian dollars AUD$ for all private sessions)